Monday, February 9, 2015


I love February!
I love Valentine's Day because we have a fun party. 
I love President's Day because we get a holiday from school. 
And I love that February means winter will be over soon!
So this is a look at our first week of February.
First we made crafts for our February bulletin board.

My kids were like...PAINT!
Haha, so excited to fingerpaint.
I hate that kindergarten has become less of this and more of 1st grade academics.

Then I had my students write about what love is.
It was hilarious! 
Most had no clue what to say.

When the paint was dry I traced letters onto the backs of the pages and then had the kids cut them out.  I helped!

We put them in baggies with their names so we could finish the next day.

Then the kids stuck the letters on with these neat glue dots I found at Walmart.

So sweet!


This one takes the cake!

My bulletin board turned out way cute!

Then we worked on some writing.
Yes, I know this says "In January."  But we had a couple snow days last month and I didn't want to waste the copies.
Will you look at those sentences!!
In case you aren't a pro at reading phonetic writing like I am (ha) the sentences above say: In January, I like to drink hot cocoa.  I like to make a snow angel.  I like to go sledding. Build a snowman.

In January I like cocoa.  In January I like to build a snowman!  In January I like to go sledding.
I love that they used popcorn words, sounded words out, and used the vocabulary at the bottom.  And most of all, I love that this one used an exclamation point!  YAY!
These journal pages come from the Moffat Girls on TpT.  I love these writing sets from her.  Check them out here.
Then we worked on our February behavior charts.
I love that these are such a habit, that they require no help from me.  Of course it helps that they've been doing these since August.

They come and sit down, I pass them their paper, and they immediately know what color to color each box to represent our behavior chart.

Check out my blog post about how I communicate with parents about behavior here.
And check out my Behavior Management Binder on TpT here.

Still loving my anchor chart board I set up this summer. 
I added some key words to it to remind me to use these big vocabulary words when questioning my students.
Questioning has become very important in my county.  Even in kindergarten.  I used these words all the time before posting them on the board.  But my neighbor teacher friend gave me this idea to help remind me to be using them even more.

And then we made our February window art.

We had a pretty busy week!
Especially because everything was packed into 3 days with a snow day on Monday and I had TNCore training on Friday.
This week will be all about Valentine's Day, and of course I have bus duty! 
Ain't nobody got time for that!

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